Hit me with your best shot…

When I went to see John of God, I really had no specific requests. I asked that all emotional blocks be removed and to evolve my mediumship. Mentally, I told the Casa spirits to hit me with their best shot. My intentions for healing included getting rid of my glasses, ringing ears, right knee pain and left foot pain. The spirit in John of God sent me for spiritual intervention. While in my 24 hour recovery period, I woke up in terrible pain at midnight. I felt the Casa spirits working on the right side of my face. I forgot about a fall from the top of a sliding board at age 5 in which I hit the right of my face twice before landing face down on the cement, knocking myself out. They operated on my right knee. I also received operations on both ovaries, both feet and left knee. I accidentally popped the stiches in my right knee when I stretched my leg so I begged spirit to fix my right knee and help me with the pain in my face.  I am a fast healer so I asked spirit to remove the knee stiches 5 days after intervention. They removed the stiches at my request and then operated on my whole face. Once again I woke up at midnight in terrible pain. The bones in the right side of my face had been broken and reset. They broke most of the bones in my face and reset them. My mediumship and knowingness became very strong while at the Casa and has continued to increase.  Since I came home, the Casa spirits have continued to work on me, but that is another story to tell at another time. I hope everyone gets a chance to go to the Casa at least once in their lifetime.  I strongly recommend a guide like Kathy who understands what you need to do to get the most out of your trip.