Kathy South is a registered teacher with the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation and is authorized to facilitate the Lightarian AngelLinks™, Lightarian Rays™, Lightarian Ascension Bands™and Lightarian Reiki™ programs. The Lightarian attunements are passed from teacher to student via wonderful meditations. Students read and study a short manual before receiving the attunement in person or distantly (phone or Skype).
Lightarian training is by appointment. Contact Kathy to schedule your appointment.
The Lightarian™ AngelLinks Program is the feminine or yin energy modality that helps you with your personal relationship with yourself at a soul level. There are five AngelLink attunements, beginning with Seraph Rose Aura and then continuing in any order with Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Gabriel. Each session takes between sixty and ninety minutes. Once you receive an AngelLink, you are able to pass the attunement onto others.
Pre-requisite: None.
AngelLink | Description | Fee |
Seraph Rose Aura | The Lightarian Seraph Rose AngelLink connects you with Seraph Rose Aura and focuses on igniting the purest "flame" of unconditional, angelic love in your heart space. It will serve as your initial introduction to the angelic energies in preparation for the unique and more focused traits connected with in the remaining AngelLinks. | $120 |
Archangel Gabriel | The Lightarian Gabriel AngelLink connects you with Archangel Gabriel and focuses on the primary theme of Angelic Joy. A secondary theme that he also assists with is improving communications. He helps you be in a place of joy while at the same time communicating more effectively and more lovingly, guiding you to speak more from your heart rather than from the mind or the emotions. He will help you to tap into and begin to trust your own "divine inner communicator" and stimulate an expansion of your inner knowing and intuition. | $90 |
Archangel Michael | The Lightarian Michael AngelLink connects you with Archangel Michael and focuses on the primary theme of Love. Secondary themes that Michael has added as part of this AngelLink are to bring the highest vibrational energies of non-judgement to humanity and angelic guidance to assist you in successfully "navigating" within the etheric realms. This support will stimulate and encourage you regarding your possible interests in telephathy, channeling and conscious travel into the etheric realms. | $90 |
Archangel Raphael | The Lightarian Raphael AngelLink connects you with the primary theme of Courage and acts as a leader to help light your way and a divine healer to help you in healing yourself and others. In his assistance with this healing, Raphael helps you return to a natural balance in all areas of your life. | $90 |
Archangel Uriel | The Lightarian Uriel AngelLink connects you with Archangel Uriel and focuses on the primary theme of Beauty. This theme assists you in appreciating the circumstances in your life and in creative expression of your talents to create a new sense of beauty around you. This allows us to more clearly see all the beauty that already exists around us. Through the heightening of your senses of angelic openness, patience, acceptance, and receptivity, your existing life conditions, including your sense of Self will be experienced in fresh new ways. | $90 |
Package of 5 (10% Discount) | Includes all 5 manuals and Lightarian AngelLink attunements. | $432 (vs $480) |
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The Lightarian Ray™ Program is a series of powerful, guided-meditation attunements inspired by the Celestial Masters...Maitreya, El Morya, Buddha, Sananda and St. Germain...and by our Universal Source. The attunements accelerate your spiritual transformation. The first five Rays (Empowerment, Clearing, Healing, Activation and Manifestation) focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing. The sixth Ray (Source Ray) focuses on lifting you further into the unfolding global-human ascension process. As a client, you receive the basic attunement information. These attunements are open to anyone and can be received as either a client or teacher. As a teacher, you receive the full attunement manual and will be able to pass the attunement to others.
Pre-requisite: None.
Ray | Description | Client | Teacher |
Empowerment | The Empowerment Ray was inspired by Ascension Master Maitreya. The attunement provides a spiritual "wake-up-call" by awakening dormant aspects of your etheric energies, helps you remember who you are and why you are here, and stimulates your overall sense of personal power. The Empowerment Ray is the prerequisite for all other Lightarian Ray attunements. | $90 | $190 |
Clearing | The Clearing Ray was created by Ascended Master El Morya and Archangel Raziel. The attunement launches deep etheric cleaning to remove adverse soul programming, inappropriate belief structures, and undesired mental and emotional patterns. More Higher Self energies are also integrated into your physical body and lower energy fields. | $90 | $190 |
Healing | The Healing Ray was sourced by Ascended Master Buddha. The attunement supports the dissolving of stress and dis-ease from your subtle and physical body, and launches a process of holistic self-healing, returning you to a state of balance and alignment. | $70 | $140 |
Activation | The Activation Ray was inspired by Ascended Master Sananda. The attunement launches energetic activations in your subtle bodies and chakras, stimulates new spiritual initiations, and prepares you to integrate higher aspects of your divine potential into daily life. | $70 | $140 |
Manifestation | The Manifestation Ray was sourced by Ascended Master Saint Germain. The attunement expands your capacity for manifesting on all levels, and opens you to attract spiritual, mental, emotional and physical abundance to serve your highest purpose. | $70 | $140 |
Source | The Source Ray connects you with the energies of our Universal Source. The previous five rays are pre-requisites for the Source Ray since the energetic platform has been created in order to launch you into a new vibrational connection with even higher levels of divine energies. | $70 | $140 |
Package of 6 Rays (10% Discount) | Teachers receive 6 complete Lightarian Ray manuals. Clients receive background pages only. | $414 (vs $460) | $846 vs ($940) |
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The Lightarian Ascension Band™ Program is designed to accelerate healing, raise individual vibration and accelerate the process of Self expansion. The Lightarian Ascension Bands™ are sourced from a strata of celestial energies known as the level of Ascended Masters − specifically from an aspect of the Ascended Master Buddha. The Six Bands divinely permeate our lives and this profoundly translates into deeper connections in all realms. This program profoundly impacts the individual as they expand with Ascended Master Buddha. Each Ascension Band attunement progressively takes the individual to increasingly higher personal vibrational levels.
Pre-requisite: None.
Ascension Band | Description | Fee |
Level I | Creates the discerning opening to the first Band of the Buddhic Band of energies. | $190 |
Level II | Increases internal, external and celestial communications. | $90 |
Level III | Begins the Ascension / Descension process in a profound way . | $90 |
Level IV | Introduces higher vibrational levels and anchors in a direct relationship with Gaia (the Mother Earth) | $90 |
Level V | Further moves you into higher vibritional levels and anchors a direct attunement-based relationship with the Godhead energies. | $90 |
Level VI | Attunes you to final vibrational Buddhic Band energies. Ascended Master Sananda is introduced and the Divine Healing Chamber is erected to be used as future integration tool for Ascension / Descension process. | $90 |
Package of 6 (10% Discount) |
Includes all 6 manuals and attunements for Ascension Bands Levels I thru VI. | $576 (vs $640) |
Ascension Band Bridge | An bridge attunement for those already registered with the Lightarian Institute as Lightarian Reiki V-VI Masters who wish to facilitate the Ascension Bands™ for others. Receive manuals for all Ascension Bands. | $270 |
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The Lightarian Reiki™ Program offers you the most powerful, highest vibrational Reiki healing energies available. It uniquely prepares you to deliver a broader spectrum of healing energies by extending the vibrational range of Reiki beyond Usui-based and Karuna® Reiki modalities. Lightarian Reiki was inspired by Ascended Master Buddha and has been brought forth to accelerate the healing process for humanity -- focusing on expanding your abilities as a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner to channel healing energies of a higher vibrational nature for the benefit of others.
You may take a Lightarian Reiki ™ training after doing any Master class. If you are not a Karuna Reiki Master, you need to receive a "Buddhic Boost" attunement before beginning your training to get you to the Karuna Reiki level energetically. Lightarian Reiki is taught in four classes: Levels I-II; Level III; Level IV, and Levels V-VI. Each class is taught in one hour hour segments that include an attunement, a manual, and a question and answer period. Once attuned, you practice giving the attunement and use the energy in a short healing.
According to Ascended Master Buddha, there are 8 bands of Reiki. The 1st band consists of all Usui-based Reiki. The 2nd band consists of Karuna Reiki. The 3rd - 8th bands of Reiki are Lightarian Reiki. The logo and name are registered trademarks of Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.
Pre-requisite: You must be an Usui-based or Karuna Reiki Master.
Attunement | Description | Fee |
Lightarian Reiki I-II with Buddhic Boost | The Buddhic Boost attunement is done first to non-Karuna Reiki Masters to raise your vibration to the 2nd band of Reiki in preparation for Lightarian Reiki I-II. After a minimum of 30 days , you can receive the Lightarian Reiki I-II attunement (see below). | $240 |
Lightarian Reiki I-II | Teaches you the majority of the principles of Lightarian Reiki and provides the initial attunement to Ascended Master Buddha. This level raises your vibration to the 3rd and 4th bands of Reiki and prepares you vibrationally for the attunements in the higher bands. You can now use the presence of Ascended Master Buddha in healings. | $190 |
Lightarian Reiki III | You are connected to Gaia (Mother Earth) and receive a deeper connection to Ascended Master Buddha. You can now use both energies in healings. | $90 |
Lightarian Reiki IV | You are connected to the Godhead and receive a deeper connection to Ascended Master Buddha. You can use these energies to create a healing dome to use in healings. | $90 |
Lightarian Reiki V-VI | You are connected to Ascended Master Sananda and receive a deeper connection to Ascended Master Buddha. You can use the energies of Ascended Masters Buddha and Sananda as well as the energies of Gaia and the Godhead to create a healing chamber in which to place clients during healings. | $90 |
Package of 4A (Discount 10%) |
For all 4 Lightarian Reiki attunements. | $414 (vs $460) |
Package of 4B (Discount 10%) |
For all 4 Lightarian Reiki attunements plus the Buddhic Boost. | $459 (vs $510) |